Fiona Wilson

“I made image2talk for my students
wanting an App that was fully customisable
without any need for navigation through complex menus.”

Fiona Wilson works as a teacher with teenage students with autism and learning disabilities

“Fiona!!!! My brother-in-law was an attorney. A massive stroke stole his words. Losing movement on one side was limiting, but losing his words was devastating. When showed him how image2talk worked (including some family pictures with names), he touched picture after picture - repeating the word or phrase perfectly. Do you know, Fiona, he was never able to remember how to say his wife's name or his grandchildrens' names until he had this tool? I added a picture of a heart, typing "I LOVE YOU" for it, shortened the time for that and now he can say, "I love you, Elaine"!!!
Do you know what a GIFT that is? ”

Judi Smolin, USA

image2talk - Functional communication app using real images

Suitable for adults and children, image2talk can be completely customised to meet the communication needs of individuals with communication disorder such as Autism, Aphasia, Down Syndrome, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Stroke or any type of disorder where verbal speech is impaired.
Unique to image2talk is that it completely eliminates the effort of having to navigate through menu or category pages.
image2talk is based on the professional experiences of Fiona Wilson, a teacher working with teenage students with autism and learning disabilities.
Read more >

“My daughter is 20 yrs old, moderate/severe Autism and though she can not talk, she does understand what is said to her verbally. She loves the REAL pictures, she has a Dynovox, but the cartoon pictures etc just didn't hold her interest. What I love about the Image2talk App is that it is so EASY to use, easy to change or add pictures, and the voice output is so clearly understood!”

Michele Skoog, Radcliff KY (USA)

As used by professionals

Providing a functional communication tool for individuals
- with a severe communication impairment
- with emerging speaker skills
- with emerging reader skills
Use image2talk for independent
or prompted communication.
Customise and personalise
by importing images from the 
camera roll or your Dropbox folder.

“I think image2talk is an easy to use and simple system that could be used successfully
by children and adults with emerging language skills. The instant feedback and the visual
nature of the system will help in reducing communication frustration.”

Claudine Ivers, Senior Speech and Language Therapist
Universal Build
for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
for only $24.99, €19,99, £17.49 or corresponding prices.

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